Teen Parenting

Teen parenting can be one of the scariest and most intimidating realities faced by any pregnant teen. However, choosing teen parenting over adoption or terminating the pregnancy can also be a noble choice if the teen is prepared to seek help in providing a good life to their baby.

Teen pregnancy is often considered to be a huge epidemic particularly in the United States. Unfortunately about $18 billion is spent each year in the United States on resources to help pregnant teens receive medical care as well as assistance for raising their children. Teen parents are also found to have less access to the knowledge and parenting education they need to make responsible parenting decisions. The teen drop out rate of high school for pregnant teens is about 60 percent. However, despite the struggles that many teens face when they get pregnant, that does not mean they are meant to struggle, drop out of school or become a weight on society. In fact, many teen parents are able to successfully become parents and raise happy and healthy children while leading a successful life themselves. Ultimately it comes down to how much the teen parents seek help and assistance in developing their parenting skills. Pregnant teens are wise to weigh the pros and cons of teen parenting before they make their decision on whether or not to keep the baby.

Teen Parenting Pros and Cons:

While teen parenting is one of the toughest undertakings a person can ever face, it is possible. Many teens find they have higher rates of success as an adult because of the struggles they faced during their teen years. In addition to the valuable experience of becoming a parent, many teen parents find the available resources that exist to specifically benefit those who decide on teen parenting versus alternative options during the pregnancy. Options that exist to help benefit teen parents include alternative high schools that offer daycare options for teens while they attend classes. This is a free service that teens can use to complete their high school education while being able to receive free child care where they can still attend to some of the needs of their babies during the day if needed since the daycare is located on the school campus.

Other benefits for teen parents include programs like Women, Infant, Children (WIC) that are designed to ensure proper nutrients for babies and breast-feeding mothers. Welfare programs and scholarships are also available for teen parents. Teens can rely on these programs even if they are not receiving financial or emotional support from their friends or families. So teens who feel like they have no options, there are options available for teen parenting assistance including parenting classes that teens can take while pregnant or after they have the baby. They can learn about breast feeding, teen parenting assistance programs, etc.

However, despite the many programs that are available for pregnant teens who decide on teen parenting, the struggles they face are incredible. These struggles include financial difficulty, troubles in finishing school and receiving financial and emotional support from their friends, family and parents. Teen parenting statistics show that teens are not only more likely to drop out of school and not pursue a college education, but they are also more likely to make up a good portion of those under the poverty level income. Teen parenting is one of the most difficult parts of teen pregnancy, but for some the troubles of becoming a teen parent are better than giving the baby up for adoption or deciding to terminate the pregnancy.

If you are a pregnant teen and are considering teen parenting as one of your options, it might be a good idea to examine what resources you have available. For some teens that have a strong family background and support, being a teen parent is not as difficult as those teens that don’t have that family support. Explore what options you have before  you make any final decisions regarding teen parenting and other options you have with teen pregnancy. Keep in mind that with so many resources available for teens as parents, it is possible for successful teen parenting among teens in the United States.

sources: practicenotes.org, insightstpp.org

Abortion Pill

In cases of unexpected pregnancy, the woman and her partner is left with several choices including keeping the baby, adoption or abortion through the abortion pill or other medical means. There are several reasons one would choose the abortion pill including cost and less invasive means of use.

When it comes to pregnancy options, one that many might consider is the abortion pill. This pill is available from some doctors as well as private clinics or facilities like Planned Parenthood. The abortion pill works by taking a medication that causes a miscarriage for the pregnant woman, which then terminates the growth of the fetus thereby ending the pregnancy.

Facts About The Abortion Pill:

The abortion pill works typically in pregnancies up until the ninth week after the first day of a woman’s last period. For women that are past this date, the only alternative abortion method is an actual in-clinic abortion. The names that refer to the abortion pill is mifepristone or RU-486. The cost of the abortion pill ranges from about $300 to $800 depending on where you get it and which area you live in. The effectiveness of the abortion pill is about 97 out of 100 times. However, it is important to keep in mind that the chemicals in the abortion pill are likely to cost severe birth defects in the baby if the abortion does not work. That means often times an aspiration abortion must be completed if the medication does not work.

How The Abortion Pill Works:

Usually before you are able to take the abortion pill, you must work with a health care professional to discuss your options, go over medical history, have blood tests and laboratory tests done as well as a physical exam and ultrasound.  You will also need to read over certain documents and sign papers that signify you understand the actions you are taking with a medical abortion. Once these steps have been taken, you will be given a medication guide along with clear instructions about how and when to take the pill as well as what to expect from the procedure. In most instances, the pregnant woman will take the abortion pill at the clinic in the presence of a doctor along with antibiotics that will help prevent you against infection.

The medication works by blocking the progesterone hormone. Without this hormone, the lining around the uterus breaks down disallowing the pregnancy to continue. The second step is something that will have to be worked out with your doctor and  includes you taking the second dosage of the abortion pill medication a few days after the first.

What to Expect from the Abortion Pill:

Typically the medicine will cause you to have cramps and bleed heavily. This will usually last for a few hours. Some may end up seeing large blood clots or tissue when the actual abortion occurs. Most women are completely done with the abortion process in a few hours up to a few days at most. However, it is completely normal to have slight bleeding for a few weeks after the abortion. However, if that bleeding seems heavy or painful, it is important to consult a doctor right away.

Symptoms to Expect from the Abortion Pill:

  • Dizziness
  • Strong cramps
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Mild fever or chills

It is important to know you can use a pain reliever like Tylenol or ibuprofen to handle these symptoms, but it is important to not use Aspirin during this process. It is also super important to follow up with your doctor at least two weeks after the abortion to make sure you are not risking any infections and to make sure the abortion was effective. This typically involves a blood test as well as an ultrasound. If you are in fact still pregnant, your doctor or health care professional will discuss further abortion options with you for your consideration.

There are several reasons a woman will choose to go with the abortion pill instead of an in-clinic abortion. One of these reasons is because it can be done early on in the pregnancy. It is also a private process and can be done at home rather than in a clinic. Many women feel like it is a more natural way to end the pregnancy and feel it is more like a miscarriage than abortion. Some women choose to go with the abortion pill route simply because it is less invasive.

Sources: plannedparenthood.org

Safe Haven Laws

When it comes to pregnancy options, the Safe Haven laws are often unknown and not even considered as a option for many pregnant teens or adults ready to give birth. Safe Haven Laws are enacted in each state in the U.S. to allow an unharmed infant to be given to the proper authorities with no questions asked.

In the news, mothers have reported leaving their newly born babies to die in trash cans and bathrooms. Some tragic events even result in death for the baby because the infant is not found soon enough, or the mother will actually cause harm enough to kill her own baby directly after birth (infanticide). Some mothers do this because they are psychologically unequipped to handle being a parent. Many teens have reportedly opted for these, sometimes drastic and deadly, ways to deal with their pregnancy because they are afraid of the repercussions of having a baby from their parents, boyfriends, friends, etc. Some pregnant teens or young pregnant women are just too scared of being able to deal with the consequences so they end their child’s life or abandon the new baby. These are tragic outcomes of a situation that could be entirely preventable through certain means including the Safe Haven laws that are available in each state.

What Are The Safe Haven Laws?

For teens or young pregnant women that make it to full term pregnancy, but realize they do not want to keep the baby, there is an alternative way to handle the situation. Under each state’s Safe Haven law, a woman or even friend or family member (in some states, not all) can take the infant to a safe location like a police station or hospital to drop off the baby with no questions asked. This law was enacted by the states after an increase in the problem with infant abandonment and infanticide. This is a way for mothers in crisis to relinquish their babies to a designated location where they will be able to receive proper care. The laws make it so the mother or person dropping off the baby is legally able to remain anonymous and shielded from prosecution for abandonment or neglect for giving up the baby.

In most states, the mother or the father of the baby is able to drop off the child. However, in some states other family members or parents of the pregnant woman are able to drop off the baby with no legal repercussions. The parent does not have to give any name or identification to the authorities in order to protect their anonymity. The safe haven providers will then take care of any immediate medical care the infant might need. The local welfare or department of human services is then also notified that the baby has been dropped off. The parent of the infant will often be asked for medical information and be given referral services for assistance. Four states in the U.S. will provide a copy of the infant’s ID number or bracelet to be offered to the parent if that parent ever does try for reunification at a later date.

Consequences of the Safe Have Laws:

The mother and father of the infant will be protected from prosecution for relinquishment of the baby only in cases where no harm or neglect has yet come to the baby by either parent. The welfare department of the state will then be responsible for placing the infant in a secure home. There will also be a petition to the courts for termination of parental rights on the part of the birth parents. Once the baby is placed in a home, the baby must be cleared as being reported as a missing child. About 20 states even have procedures that are in place for a parent to be able to reclaim the infant usually within a specified time after relinquishment before the petition to terminate parental rights has been granted. There are also five states that have provisions in place for the father especially if the father did not relinquish the infant in the first place. There are many resources online to help those in need of needing to know what their state’s Safe Haven Laws are and how they can be used.

Many teens or young pregnant women might do their best to hide a pregnancy or pretend that it doesn’t exist. Once the baby is born, they have no way to care for the child, nor any set up situation in place like an adoption to care for the baby. They feel like they may not have any options, yet with the Safe Haven Laws they do. With little repercussions legally, the teen or young woman can take necessary measures to ensure the baby is safe and placed with a secure, loving environment.

Sources: childwelfare.gov, nationalsafehavenalliance.org

Teen Marriage

Teen marriage used to be a common practice during the middle ages and up to even as recent as the 20th century. However, teen marriage is less common now in developed countries like America. However teen marriage is still common in less developed countries.

The topic of teen marriage is always a controversial topic. There are many pros and cons to teen marriage, however that does not stop about 4.5 percent of American teens from getting hitched each year. While the number of  overall teen marriages continues to rise, the age of adults who marry is also rising to an older age, according to recent teen marriage statistics. The answer as to why more and more teens are tying the knot is unclear. The number of teen marriages more than doubled in America in the 1990s and continues to rise. With teens facing more and more issues like drugs, teen sex, substance abuse and other factors, it is no wonder more teens feel they are ready to get married. 

Teen pregnancy statistics also show an increase, which is why many teens might see getting married as a viable solution to raising their child. However, the number of successful teen marriages is not very encouraging. About half of all marriages when the teen is under 18 at the time of marriage end up in separation or divorce within 10 years. That is double the rate of marriages for adults over age 25. In many states, the legal age to get married without parent permission is 18. However, in some states, teens can get married after age 16 if they have proof of parent permission. Each state varies on its  rules, so it is important to consult your local county clerk’s office to find out what the official regulations are on teen marriage in your state. 

Before getting married as a teen, it is important to weigh your options in order to help make the best decision for both you and your partner. 

Teen marriage pros:

For teenagers who are facing a teen pregnancy with a partner, marriage can often provide great benefits for teens who are marrying their partner who may have a job with insurance benefits. That way, the mom and the baby can receive health insurance through their husband. However, this should not be the only reason two teens get married. If the relationship is in anyway unhealthy, do not continue with the marriage simply to get insurance benefits. Many teens also find marriage brings them closer together in their relationship, however there is no reason to not try and forge this bond with one another as unmarried teens in a relationship.

Teen marriage cons:

Unfortunately there are more pros than cons when it comes to teen marriage simply because of the difficulty teens have when it comes to making marriage work. That is not to say it is impossible to have a successful teen marriage. It just often takes more work. Any relationship or marriage requires commitment and work to make it successful, however, because teens are experiencing more changes than ever in their lives when it comes to emotional growth, their futures, etc, it can be difficult to put enough effort into the marital relationship to make it work. 

How to make it work: 

The teen marriage statistics are dismal demonstrating a more likely than not trend of divorce. However, for those who want to give it a try, it is important to be prepared for the struggle it is going to take in order to make the teen marriage a lasting success. The number one thing to remember when getting married as a teen is that you are still growing both physically and mentally. While many teens feel they are compatible at age 18, they grow into their own person by age 25 and that person may not be the best match for the person they married. There are also pre-marriage counseling tools that teens can use to do research and understand the risk they are taking with a teen marriage. 

Again, it is important to weigh all of the pros and cons for teen marriage to decide if it is really the best option for you and your partner. Do the pros of the union outweigh all of the potential risks of divorce and splitting up a potential family? All of these points must be considered before the teen marriage should take place. 

Source: cbsnews.com, babycenter.com

Are You Pregnant? What Next?

As a teenager, discovering that you are pregnant may seem overwhelming.  There are a number of decisions that must be made soon after you become aware of the situation.  Will you proceed with the pregnancy and deliver the baby?  Do you have the resources that are needed to care for a child?  Is it better to give the baby to a family who is waiting to adopt?  Plus, prenatal care should start immediately.  You are now not only responsible for your own health, but also the heath of a child.  If you are pregnant teen, it is important to take responsibility and handle the situation in a mature manner. 

The first step is to confirm your pregnancy.  One of the early signs of pregnancy is usually a missed period.  Once you suspect that a baby may be on the way, a pregnancy test can be purchased at the drug or grocery store.  In addition, doctors are able to perform a blood test that can confirm a pregnancy. 

Once you have determined that you are pregnant, it is time to come clean and tell your parents.  Although they may have some strong feelings about the news, they ultimately have your best interests at heart.  You will want their guidance when making decisions about the pregnancy.  Plus, they will probably be able to assist you in getting the medical treatment that is needed. 

Pre-natal care is the care that the mother receives while she is expecting.  It should begin in the first trimester, and consists of regular visits to the doctor to ensure the health of the mother and her unborn child.  In addition, pre-natal care involves learning about pregnancy, eating healthy, taking a pre-natal vitamin, and exercise.  It is important to schedule an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible. 

During your prenatal checkups, several tests will be performed.  Your doctor will generally do a blood test to check your blood type, RhFactor, iron levels, and immunity to certain illnesses.  In addition, a urinalysis checks for sugar and protein in your urine to determine if there are any problems with your blood sugar of kidneys.  A vaginal exam is performed, and a PAP test is used to detect changes in the cervix.  Doctor visits usually occur once a month for the first 6 months of the pregnancy and more frequently for the remainder. 

Overall, it is important to seek proper medical care and work with your family to make the decisions that will be best for you and your pregnancy.

Teen Pregnancy Options

Unplanned teen pregnancies bring mixed feelings.  There are a number of teen pregnancy options you can choose from when you find out you are pregnant. You can raise the baby, place the baby for adoption, or you can have an abortion (end the pregnancy).

Once you know you are indeed pregnant you will need to think about many factors to make your decision.  Be sure to discuss your options with your doctor and with others that you trust.  Make your decision as early as possible.

If you plan to have the baby obtain prenatal care – this is vital, even if you place your baby for adoption.  If you choose to raise the child be prepared for a long-term commitment and build a good support system.  If you cannot raise a child but do not want to have an abortion, adoption may be a good option. In an adoption, a child legally gets new parents.

A decision to have an abortion should be made as early as possible. The type of procedure used and some of the risks involved depend on how long you have been pregnant. The earlier a woman has an abortion, the safer it is. Abortion is a very personal decision.

With both adoption and abortion you may experience a mixture of feelings that may last for a long time.  Counseling can help you come to terms with this decision.  The effects of teen pregnancy can be difficult to cope with.  The decision to raise the child, place the child for adoption, or have an abortion may be very hard for you to make. The sooner you seek advice and help, the better.

Source:  The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

Adoption Statistics

Considering adoption? Whether it be to have your child put up for adoption or you want to adopt yourself, there are many things to look at as you decide the best course. To help you, here are some statistics about adoption. These adoption statistics may help you with your choice.

For the first time in United States census-taking history, in 2000 the census added the category of  “adopted son/daughter” to distinguish between stepchildren and biological children. This helped track how many adopted children live within the United States. The 2000 Census included a section on adoption to help distinguish among the types of adoption as well. For example, is the adopted child a biological relative? The following are some adoption statistics released in 2003 concerning the 2000 Census adoption findings: 

  • Out of all the children under age 18 (83,714,107 children total) there are 2,058,915 adopted children and 4, 384,581 stepchildren. 
  • This translates to 2.5 percent of all children being adopted. 
  • Interestingly, the regions of the country were all pretty similar in terms of how many adopted children. Delaware, California, Texas and Louisiana had the smallest number of adoptions (approx. 2.0 percent in each) and Alaska had the most (3.9 percent). 
  • More girls are adopted than boys. The census explains this because more single women adopt girls more than boys and that internationally, girls are easier to adopt than boys. 
  • The race breakdown follows: 58 percent of all adopted children are White, 16 percent of all adopted children are Black, 14 percent of all adopted children are Hispanic and 7.4 percent of all adopted children are Asian.

Lately there has been a news surge about celebrities adopting from foreign counties. It is often faster to adopt from a foreign country than it is to adopt in the United States with an average time being about a year. However, expenses can be greater as most usually have to pay for travel as well as the countries adoption expenses. Whether or not this is an option in your case, the international adoption rates have been rising. In looking at the international adoptions from 2003:  

  • The rate of international adoptions has skyrocketed from 7,000 international adoptions in 1990 to 21,616 in 2003. 
  • There were 21, 616 international adoptions in 2003, a 7.55 percent increase over 2002 with 20,099. 
  • China was the place that most United States families went to adopt with 6,859 adoptions. 
  • Russia came in second with 5,209 adoptions. 
  • The top twenty counties for adoptions were China, Russia, Guatemala, South Korea, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, India, Vietnam, Colombia, Haiti, Philippines, Romania, Bulgaria, Belarus, Ethiopia, Cambodia, Poland, Thailand, Azerbaijan and Mexico. 
  • Mexico had 61 adoptions.

Understanding the trends and adoption statistics behind a major decision such as adoption can help your finalize what you want to do. Placing a child in adoption, or adopting a child are both major decisions. If you going to adopt a child or teenager, research the company you want to use for the adoption service, consider the country of adoption origin and prepare to enlarge your family! 

Adoption Statistics Sources

  •  Adopting.org, “Recent Trends in International Adoption” [online].
  • United States Census, October 2003 “Adopted Children and Stepchildren: 2000, Census 2000 Special Reports” [pdf online].

Adoption Options

When a teenager is faced with an unplanned pregnancy they may feel they have few options. This article discusses adoption options for pregnant teens including domestic adoption, foreign adoption, and open or closed adoptions. Also, tips on choosing an adoption agency.

If you are interested in adopting, you have a number of options. Deciding how to adopt is up to you, and a very personal decision that depends on what you are most comfortable with. Here are some of the adoption options you will have, and the decisions you will have to make:

Domestic adoption or intercountry adoption

The first adoption decision you will have to make has to do with whether you want to adopt a child from this country, or whether you want to adopt from another country. There are pros and cons associated with each. A domestic adoption is generally less expensive, but the waiting time can be unpredictable, especially since in the U.S. birth parents are often more involved in the process.

With an intercountry adoption, you usually have a more predictable wait time, since birth parents are often not part of the picture. Many countries require that children be considered orphans before they can be adopted. This means that the parents must either be deceased, or have abandoned the children. This can eliminate some of the unpredictability that comes when dealing with birth parents. However, immigration papers, and other documents, have to be in order for international adoptions.
Infant or child adoption

Another decision that has to be made is whether or not you will be adopting an infant or a child. Many parents prefer to adopt infants, but the wait time can be as long as two years in this process. On top of that, many birth parents are involved, and you may have to be specially approved in an infant adoption. Since infant adoption is so popular, it is also more expensive, and can present its own challenges.

If you are interested in helping an older child, foster care adoption can be a good option. Many children have been abandoned, have no living relatives, or have been removed from parental custody due to abuse or other problems. These children often need a great deal of love and care. Foster care adoption can be a way to get a child quicker, and to help someone in need of it. You should realize, though, that there are special challenges associated with foster care adoption. Instead of raising a healthy infant “from scratch”, your patience will be required as you strive to help a child that has emotional, mental and possibly physical baggage and particular needs.

You can also choose special needs adoptions. This adoption option revolves around children with particular physical or mental disabilities. While this can be challenging, it is also quite fulfilling. If you have the patience, you can help a child with very real special needs.

Choosing an adoption agency

If you are adopting a child from the welfare or foster care system, you will generally work with a state government agency for the adoption. Otherwise, you have other adoption options: 

  • Licensed private agency: This is an agency that is properly licensed through the state to help with adoptions. You pay a fee, and the private agency helps you find a match with the others using its service.
  • Unlicensed agency: In some states, unlicensed agencies can help aid in adoption. While you might pay less in some instances, the risk of problems is greater, since there isn’t as much oversight from the government.
  • Attorney: If you don’t want to work with an agency, you can do an independent adoption with the help of an attorney. An attorney who can guide you through the process can be valuable. In some cases, such attorneys must have specific certification. This method involves the greatest interaction between adoptive and birth parents.

Open or closed adoption

Finally, you need to decide whether you want to participate in an open or closed adoption. In an open adoption, you retain contact with the birth parents, and the child can interact with the birth parents if they wish. A closed adoption means that the birth parents wish to remain anonymous, and it can be difficult for the child to interact. Some parents find open adoptions promote a healthier view of being adopted, while others find that closed adoptions, where communication is cut off, prevents problems.

In the end, what you choose is up to you. Many adoptive parents like to consider their adoption options, and then make a decision based on how they think they can best impact a life for the better.

Abortion Statistics

Abortion has been a touchy and personal subject for many years. Whether you are considering an abortion or just want to know more about the numbers of abortions, this article will provide teenage abortion statistics and information to help pregnant teens.

First of all there are about 1.38 billion women in the world who are in the childbearing years (ages 15-44). About 6 million women a year become pregnant. Many teenagers are also sexually active throughout the world. By age 20: 

  • 77 percent of women in developed countries have had sex, 
  • 83 percent of women in Sub-Sahara Africa have had sex, and 
  • 56 percent of women in Latin American and the Carribean have had sex.

And a lot of unplanned pregnancies result. More than 25 percent of women in the world get an abortion. Compare this with the United States where nearly 40 percent of women who get pregnant have an abortion. Here are some more statistics concerning the United States: 

  • About half of all pregnancies are unplanned 
  • 1.29 million abortions took place in 2002 
  • More than 42 million abortions were carried out from 1973 to 2002 
  • 2 out of every 100 women have an abortion each year. Many of these women have had abortions before 
  • In looking at teens and young adults, more than 52 percent of abortions obtained are by women who are under 25 
  • Around 66 percent of all abortions are obtained be single women 
  • Teenagers obtain 19 percent of abortions 
  • As of 2000, there were around 1800 places in the United States where a women could get an abortion 
  • Most abortions (88 percent) occur in the first 8 weeks of pregnancy 
  • Teenagers are more apt to get a late abortion 
  • .3 percent of all abortions cause hospitalization for the woman

So what are the main reasons for abortion? Many women and teens worry about their future plans. Some women and teens do not feel they can afford a child. And still others do not want to go at parenthood alone.

Check out the Guttmacher Institute to look at your own state’s trends on abortion and to find out more information and statistics. Abortion is very serious and causes ethical and medical debates across the country. Some doctors performing abortions have even been killed. Nonetheless, many states have abortion counseling laws that are designed to work with your physician to help you understand the medical options available. Finding out what information is available and laws applicable in your area is an important step in making this decision.

Abortion Statistics Sources:

  • Guttmacher Institute, By Chinué Turner Richardson and Elizabeth Nash, “Misinformed Consent: The Medical Accuracy of State-Developed Abortion Counseling Materials” [online].
  • Guttmacher Institute, “Facts on Induced Abortion in the United States” [online].
  • Guttmacher Institute, “In the Know”: 20 Questions About Pregnancy, Contraception and Abortion” [online].
  • Guttmacher Institute, “Induced Abortion Worldwide” [online].
  • Guttmacher Institute, “State Center: State Facts on Abortion” [online].
  • Guttmacher Institute, “State-by-State Trends in Abortion in the United States” [online].

Contemplating Adoption

Teen pregnancy causes many emotional changes for a young woman. Making a choice that is right for you can be difficult. Discussing your adoption options with a counselor might help. This article has tips to help you if you are contemplating adoption.

The National Adoption Information Clearinghouse lists some professional counseling that is free or cost very little such as: 

  • Crisis pregnancy center – A place where they only talk with pregnant women. It might even have a maternity center attached where you could live until the baby is born. 
  • Family planning clinic – A place where women get birth control information or pregnancy tests.  
  • Adoption agency – A good choice if you are already leaning strongly towards adoption.  
  • Health Department or Social Services – A food stamps or welfare worker can direct you to a proper clinic or department.  
  • Mental health center or family service agency – Counselors here help people in all kinds of situations.

It can be difficult to make the decision to place a child for adoption.  It is an act of much love and it takes great courage.  Adoption is a permanent decision.  Teen pregnancy intensifies feelings and emotions.  Contemplate the reasons you might be considering adoption.  Money problems and difficult living situations might be temporary.  Discover if Social Services or perhaps friends and family might be of assistance.  If you have considered these things and still want adoption, you will then feel more comfortable about your decision.

Potential adoptive parents are carefully selected and are visited a number of times by a social worker.  Once an adoption agency approves adoptive parents for placement, they are confident they will make good parents and that they are decent people who really want to care for children.  Most adopted children in time realize their birth parents placed them for adoption out of love – it was the best they knew what to do.  Hopefully they’ll realize many of their wonderful traits come from you. If you decide to place your child for adoption because it is what you think is best, then it is a good decision.  You can move forward and not feel guilty.