Why Teens get Pregnant

Teenagers get pregnant for a number of reasons. However, one of the best ways you can discourage teen pregnancy is to provide reliable information on pregnancy and sex. Keep reading for more information on why teens get pregnant, and how to prevent teen pregnancy.

One of the biggest issues that comes with raising teens has to with teen pregnancy. While it can be difficult for parents to think of their teenagers having sex, the fact of the matter is that it happens. And, of course, teen sex can lead to teen pregnancy. One of the best deterrents to teen pregnancy is teaching teenagers to have a responsible and thoughtful approach to sex. Encourage teenagers to think about their actions, and the consequences, as well as educating teenagers about their birth control options.

Here are some reasons that teenagers might get pregnant:

Want to get pregnant

In some cases, a teenager may actually want to be pregnant. She may feel as though she is ready to have a child, or she may want to have a baby in order to help convince a boyfriend to stay in a relationship. However, it is important to note that most teenagers do not actually want to become pregnant. According to FamilyFirstAid.org, 80% of teen pregnancies are not intended. This means that only 20% of those teenagers having babies actually planned on having the child. Because such a large amount of teen pregnancies are unintentional, it is clear that there are other reasons that teenagers are getting pregnant.

Forced sexual intercourse

Some teen girls become pregnant as a result of unwanted sexual intercourse. This can be the result of rape (including date rape), or for some other reason. It is also important to note that in some cases girls may not personally feel ready for sex, but they feel pressured into it. While this is not exactly rape, the pressure that many teen girls feel to satisfy their boyfriends is very real, and this can lead to reluctant sexual relationships. FamilyFirstAid points out that 75% of girls say that the main reason they have sex is because their boyfriends want to. This means that even though the girls may not be physically forced, they could be under emotional duress. These relationships can lead to teen pregnancy. It is important to help girls understand how to focus on their own value, rather than being pressured to relate their value to their sexuality.

Lack of birth control

For those who are sexually active teens, one of the biggest risks when it comes to getting pregnant is the lack of birth control. Many teenagers do not use birth control, or they use inconsistently and are not protected properly. When using birth control, it is vital that teens understand how to use it appropriately, and how to use it for best results. It is true that no birth control is 100% effective, other than abstinence, but properly using birth control will reduce the chances that a teenager will get pregnant.

One of the debates that rages on about teen sex education is that revolving around teen abstinence only education. Some studies suggest that abstinence only sex education may actually contribute to teen pregnancies, since it leaves out mention of birth control. The reasoning is that, since teens are not taught about birth control, and where to get it, they are more likely to get pregnant — because teens are going to have sex anyway. Critics of abstinence only education point out that most teens are going to have sex at some point, no matter what is taught in sex ed, so it is a good idea to make sure that teens can access reliable birth control information. Proponents of abstinence only education insist that it does help, and that studies showing that abstinence only adds to teen pregnancies may be flawed. Supporters of abstinence only education point to studies that show it works.

In any case, the lack of birth control is a factor in some teen pregnancies. Without education about birth control, teenagers are more likely to become pregnant if they are sexually active. The real key to reducing teen pregnancies is education. Parents need to talk to their teens about their expectations, and educate them about appropriate practices so that their teens are able to make better decisions about sexual intercourse.