Teen Pregnancy Tests

Are you a teenager who may be pregnant? Or, the parent of a sexually active teen that may be pregnant? Early pregnancy detection is essential to pregnancy health. This article has information on signs of teen pregnancy and options for teen pregnancy tests.

One of the things to be aware of if you are sexually active (or even if you have only had sex once), is that you might be pregnant. This is especially possible if you have been having unprotected sex, or if you are not taking birth control. Indeed, it is important to be alert to the signs of teen pregnancy, as well as knowing how to use a pregnancy test.

Signs of teen pregnancy

Before you get a teen pregnancy test, you should consider the following early signs of teen pregnancy. Some of the early signs of teen pregnancy include the following:

  • Missed period
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Appetite changes
  • Increased urination
  • Tenderness in the breasts

It is important to note, though, that some of these indications of teen pregnancy can occur even if the teenager is not pregnant. Indeed, if you under a lot of stress, or if you are very active in sports, you might find that you are missing periods, or that you exhibit some of the other signs of early teen pregnancy.

However, as the teenage pregnancy progresses, there are additional signs you can look for, including increase in the size of your abdomen, weight gain (or loss, if you aren’t eating enough for you and the baby), headaches and backaches, growing breasts and strong food cravings. 

You don’t need to wait until the later signs to see if you are pregnant, though. If you haven’t had sex with anyone, then you are probably not pregnant. If you have had sex, however, there is a chance that you are pregnant, even if you have been on birth control. Since abstinence is the only full-proof way to avoid pregnancy, there is always a chance, albeit a small one if you have been taking precautions.

Teen pregnancy tests

Teen pregnancy tests are no different that regular pregnancy tests. Most drug stores sell them over the counter, so it is usually possible for you to purchase one. You should wait at least five days after missing your period before you take a pregnancy test. Most pregnancy tests cost between $5 and $20. You can also get some in packs of more than one, just in case you are unsure of the first result.

These tests work by detecting the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). This is sometimes called the pregnancy hormone, since it is what is produced by the placenta shortly after it has been fertilized. The presence of this hormone indicates pregnancy. When taking a teen pregnancy test, make sure to read all of the directions carefully before beginning. Also, make sure that you understand how to read the results of the test before you begin.

Most home pregnancy tests detect the amount of HCG in your urine. For the best chance of accuracy (and many tests are at least 90% accurate when done properly), you should take the test in the morning, since that is when the highest concentration of HCG is present. You can urinate directly on the strip offered, or you can urinate into a cup, and then dip the strip into the urine. 

If your home pregnancy test shows that you are pregnant, you should consider going to see a health care professional in a week or so in order to make sure. If the test comes up negative, pay attention to your body for the next couple of weeks, and determine if maybe the test was inaccurate. If your period still doesn’t come, take the test again, or see a health care professional.

While these teen pregnancy tests are mostly accurate, it is important to realize that they are not perfect. You will have to go to a health care professional to get sure results. Once you have them, you can then decide what to do going forward.